About Toypixx

Figures, Photos, and FUN

Action figure photography RAWKS!!!

Hey there, I’m Photo Dave! But you can call me “Dave” for short. And I dig action figure photography. No 12-step program required.

I’ve always dug these pieces of articulated plastic, and have been a product photographer for years, so I decided to combine the two.

Before I go on, be sure to grab your FREE copy of the Toypixx Action Figure Photography Guide at the ludicrously large banner just below this sentence.

This guide also signs you up for the Toypixx Newsletter, so you won’t miss any of the Toypixx things!

Note: Toypixx is a member of several affiliate programs, which means if you buy something from a link, I may get a cut. But you get cool stuff, so it kinda works out.


Toypixx Collection Header

Action figures are clearly the backbone of action figure photography. And if you’re like me, you have guidelines for collecting. So, here are a few of mine:

1. 1/12 scale – If I got all the scales I’d lose all the space (and money)
2. Gotta have ball-peg waists, and always better than 90 degrees at the elbow
3. Figures need extra hands, along with accessories that make sense
4. Collect as few lines as possible

They’re guidelines, not rules, because I know I’ll “need” something outside them (looking at you Threezero and NECA). The collection’s mostly focused on MAFEX and NECA TMNT, but Jada Toys and Action Force are comin’ in hot!

Click to see the Toypixx collection


“This is where the fun begins.”

The fun with toy collecting, for me, is action figure photography. Along with the guidelines, how well a figure photographs determines what gets bought.

Then there’s the fun I have seeing all the pics people share on the Toypixx X page. It’s crazy to see so many get as geeked about toy photography as I am.

Another thing I dig is helping people with their pics. I do this via the FREE Action Figure Photo Guide and Action Figure Photography Tutorials Playlist on YouTube.


Fun’s clearly the name of the game! I’m driven by it, and action figure photography provides it. If you enjoy figure photos as well, then I’m thrilled you found Toypixx! Because I’m pretty sure you’re my people.

And along with figures, photos, and Photoshop, people are where the fun’s at.

Enjoy the site, and I’ll catch ya on the socials.

-Photo Dave (“Dave” for short)